Azure Making HTTP Requests on Azure REST API using Azure PowerShell All of the operations which you perform on Microsoft Azure are backed by a robust set of APIs. Be it accessing resources via the Portal or invoking commandlets from Azure Powershell modules, all are powered by Azure REST APIs behind the scenes. The problem
Azure Installing New Relic PHP Agent in Azure Web App for Containers In this post, I would install and then configure New Relic's PHP agent to work with Azure Web App for Containers. The custom container image is based on Debian but
Web App for Containers Setting up Logrotate, Rsyslog, Cron & Anacron in Stateful Azure Web App for Containers I had been trying to set up Cron & Anacron in Azure Web App for Containers (Stateful) for some time. I call them these Web App for Containers as stateful
Enabling CORS in Azure CDN Premium Verizon instance I always wanted to work on Azure CDN. It is a Content Delivery Network backed by Azure's infrastructure and is pretty much flawless. In this post, we would be dealing with a Premium Verizon instance. I would suggest using this instead of the standard
How to add users to a trial instance of Dynamics 365 I have been testing Dynamics 365 in my personal Azure Active Directory where I have a couple of users. In order to test out the solution in hand, I had to add users with different roles to the same trial instance of Dynamics 365.
How To Deploy Blackfire in Azure Web App for Containers In this post, I will show you how to deploy Blackfire in Azure Web App for Containers. For those who don't know, Blackfire is a tool used to profile PHP applications. This is especially useful when your PHP application is having performance issues. You
Uninstalling Pi-Hole on Ubuntu 16.04 with OpenVPN You might be aware of Pi-Hole to be a advertisement blocking software which works at the DNS level. The way it works is that, it runs its own DNS server and blocking services. When you configure Pihole during installation, it will setup dnsmasq and
[Process Monitor] -- Dynamics CRM Package Deployer Crashing This would be a pretty short post but I would like to attribute this win to Process Monitor. In my case, I was working with Dynamics CRM Package Deployer. As per the procedure, I copied the Dynamics CRM Package Deployer folder from the SDK
Outputting Objects in Write-Debug When you are writing PowerShell scripts for the enterprise environment (I will urge to follow the guideline even when writing personal scripts), you need to have proper logging to ensure that the script can be debugged in case of any issues. For such scenarios,
Certbot --dry-run with NGINX fails with Invalid PID I have been recently trying to figure out why LetsEncyrpt's Certbot was failing to renew the SSL certificates automatically. I ran the following command - certbot renew --nginx --dry-run After running the command, I got the following error at the start of the process
Gotchas for Azure Web App For Containers! Recently, I have been spending a lot of time doing deployments and performing migrations to Azure Web App for Containers. Following are some of the gotchas which I have found after a lot of search and I hope are helpful to you as well.
Azure Web App For Container failing site start This happened with me where I was working with Docker on Windows & then pushing the image to Azure Container Registry which in turn was being used by Azure Web App for Containers. This post also serves as reminder to me :0) for future.
Solving Operation is Not Valid Due to Current State of Object This would be a quick post about solving an error which sometimes occurs while doing a Data/Schema comparison using the SQL Server tools which are available in Visual Studio. I use Visual Studio 2015. As part of my day, I have to give
Command Line Equivalent of wuauclt in Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 Windows Update with Windows 10 & Windows Server 2016 was modified so that it could be integrated with the new UI. The old Windows Update is now gone from Control Panel (I am so sad...) and if you have to view updates, all you
Quickly -- Chrome Extension for Canned Speeches This is a pet project on which I have been working on for quite some time. Earlier, I made the project complex for unnecessary reasons (Experience matters! ) so I sat down once again and tried doing it in a different way this time and
Adding Azure ARM Template Files in Visual Studio Correctly Recently, I was tasked with a project which dealt with Azure ARM Templates. For those who don't know, ARM Templates are basically JSON files which allow you to define infrastructure and then deploy it on Azure. Very similar to AWS CloudFormation and very awesome.
Copying Folders in Ubuntu the correct way I had to restore a Wordpress Backup on a test site and I was using simple cp command with the -r (Recursive) switch. While setting up the blog, I noticed that some of the files are missing from the installation but were there in
Little Endian vs Big Endian This is going to be a short post :( For people who don't know the terms used in the title, they are nothing but ways to format and store data in memory so that the computer can understand and process it. Recently, while browsing around,
8 Step Guide to deploying Meteor JS Application to Heroku Have you ever wondered about the best and fastest way to host a Meteor JS Web Application? If yes, worry not because after spending quite some time bashing my head on the wall, I came up with the following guide on hosting the Meteor
Fixing Hung Up MySQL installation on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Few days back, I was asked by Tushar Mishra if we both could host his blog alongside my blog. His blog is based on WordPress platform which meant repeating the whole process ( was earlier running on WordPress as well) of installing WordPress
Case Of USB Tethering Driver Freezing the System I assembled a PC in January whose sole purpose was gaming. From Day 1, I had been noticing several freezes on the system. The system used to freeze for a second or so which also caused the mouse to lag behind. Eventually I got
Updating Forked Repository with Changes from Remote I have been using Git for quite some time now and recently started using GitHub to increase my share of contribution to open source software. On finding the perfect repository (Piwik) to start contributing to, I quickly forked the repository so that I could
Getting Started Welcome to Ghost You're live! Nice. We've put together a little post to introduce you to the Ghost editor and get you started. You can manage your content by signing in to the admin area at <your blog URL>/ghost/. When you arrive, you can
C# Copying & Compressing Files Via Shell32 in C# There are often times when you have to copy files from one place to another in a C# application. While developing BSOD Inspector, I did not use the methods which are available in the Dot Net Framework to create ZIP file which contained multiple
Getting Best Bang for the Buck at Fast Food Joints Love Fast Food? Sure you do! This post deviates from the original theme of the blog but I thought that it would be nice to help people in telling them